October at CL by Sylvie Edwards

In October, Catherine and her new puppy Mango left Clara Luna, along with

Chhavi, Daniel, and Alex. We received more new volunteers; Danielle from

Canada and Nadine and Ingrid from Germany. In the language exchange we had

games such as ‘categories’ and ‘guess who’. In the crafts part of Club de Ninos we

had the kids make Halloween masks, crazy hats, finger puppets and peg friends.

Our other activities involved putting up signs around Puerto Lopez to direct

the children to our kids club, having the Clara Luna sign finished and put up on

the front of the house, and reading to kids at the local schools. One of the most

incredible activities we participated in involved The Ministry of the Environment

for Ecuador and was located in Pacoche, near San Lorenzo. We helped out the

local rangers with turtle patrols, up and down the beach, in the very late hours

of the night. The aim was to try to spot turtles laying eggs and mark where the

nests are, to later put up a barrier around it, protecting it from wild animals and
