May at Clara Luna by Courtney Merner

Back to School for the kids and Clara Luna. More English classes were added with the help of Daniel and Alice, a newly arrived volunteer from England. Daniel also had the good luck to teach the police of Puerto Lopez for part of the month. Sadly, I don’t think he got to drive their sweet police dune buggy. Helen, Rachel, and Mollie continued work with the Foundation.

            The first week at Club de Ninos read the Three Little Pigs and tried their hand at house construction. In small groups, the kids used toothpicks and marshmallows to build the tallest structure that would withstand the huff and puff from the Big Bad Wolf. Some were just interested in creating the largest marshmallow blob! In the end, all of the structures withstood the test and they could be dismantled for devouring. That week was also just before Mother’s Day. We read ‘Eres tu mama?’ and everyone created a card for their mother. Inside the card was their mother’s name as an adjective acrostic poem, describing all the amazing things about their mami.

            Week 2 theme was Teamwork and Cooperation. Disappointingly, the house could not think of a great children’s book that highlights these themes. If anyone knows one send it to Clara Luna please! Instead we focused on activities that need all the kids to work together. Like an office work retreat, we did trust falls, three legged races (particularly amusing – one pair could not figure out the running with three legs and instead crawled the entire race), and partner water balloon tosses. Two of the more successful activities were the human knot (, and all aboard ( Both were highly entertaining for the volunteers and the kids!

            The month finished off at Club de Ninos with Healthy Habits and Sharing themes. The kids learned the importance of healthy eating and exercise. The volunteers first disgusted them by showing them how the digestion system works ( and then got to be drill sergeants on the beach as the kids demonstrated their brute strength. One of the kids could evendo more than 5 push-ups! The kids had fun learning new exercises but I think they enjoyed getting dirty on the beach more. For the Sharing week, we read ‘The Rainbow Fish’. Everyone designed their own personal scale to add to a big Clara Luna fish. The kids used their sharing and teamwork skills to work through a cryptogram scavenger hunt.